About Mrs. Make It Rainka

Well, hello there.  Thanks for stopping by. Time is money, so this blog is all about getting to the point.

I am a 30-something mom, wife, sister, daughter,  lawyer, and a business owner with a little side hustle.  I enjoy writing and do so for a local charity (more on that later).

I’m lucky to have two awesome parents who split their time between Florida with me and Massachusetts with my sister, Courtney.  “Court Monstah” and her wonderful boyfriend fiancé, “Paul” live in Andover, MA. Follow Court @schottc12 to see all of the beautiful details of her upcoming wedding! #ExMarksTheSchott

I’m also SUPER lucky to have my husband, Michael. He literally keeps things going around here.  Follow Mike @makinitrainka. My son, Henry is just the sweetest little monster. You can follow him @hankdatinytank on Instagram. My business partner, Belkis is the best influence on me.  My “business owner” status is definitely dependent on her. Follow Belkis @libra_law

Looking forward to sharing thoughts on the law, current events, work-life balance, adulting, and momming with you all!

XOXO, Mrs. Make It Rainka

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ready to make it Rain{ka}?

I'm an award-winning, expert attorney in Jacksonville, Florida. I represent professional women and their families who are injured or arrested in Florida. I love my job and am proud to have a career, but when I became a mother, I learned that working moms are uniquely tasked with having to achieve "balance." (whatever that is.) What I really wanted was freedom - freedom to practice law in a way that works for me and my family. Through the support and advice of other working moms, I have found success by developing a personal brand that allows me to create my own clients and practice law in a way that gives me freedom. Now it's my turn to help other lawyer moms learn how to do the same and make it Rain(ka).


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