
If I could be anything other than an attorney, I would be an artist. Between a toddler, a husband, a business, eating and sleeping, I have to make a choice: what should I do with my “free” time.

Things that I want to do: mani/pedi, get a massage, aimlessly walk around Nordstrom, paint, blog, work out, watch movies…

Things that I get to do: work, run into Target or Publix with a mission and a toddler, cook, clean, maybe shower and blow dry my hair.

A few months ago Instagram made a few suggestions for me, and I discovered cosplay and fluid painting. I disregarded cosplay and learned about fluid painting. I happened to have acrylic paint and canvas that survived three moves shoved into a closet. I watched a few YouTube videos on the subject and voila!

The first piece was admittedly not great. So I’ve been practicing! I’ve made some awesome pieces. I’ve got some great ideas for mixed media pieces forthcoming. The best part? I can set up and complete an entire piece in about 30 minutes! The planning, inspiration and thoughtfulness for the piece is all done before I open a tube of paint.

In any demanding profession, you need creative outlets. Find yours. Even if it is 30 minutes a week of throwing paint on a canvas. Get your spouse and kids and pets involved. Make it fun. Wine is also encouraged!

Check out my store on Esty for customized commissioned pieces.

Creatively, Mrs. Make It Rainka

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ready to make it Rain{ka}?

I'm an award-winning, expert attorney in Jacksonville, Florida. I represent professional women and their families who are injured or arrested in Florida. I love my job and am proud to have a career, but when I became a mother, I learned that working moms are uniquely tasked with having to achieve "balance." (whatever that is.) What I really wanted was freedom - freedom to practice law in a way that works for me and my family. Through the support and advice of other working moms, I have found success by developing a personal brand that allows me to create my own clients and practice law in a way that gives me freedom. Now it's my turn to help other lawyer moms learn how to do the same and make it Rain(ka).


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