Dr. Seuss Party

My son is learning to read and Dr. Seuss is read a lot in our house. His school does a very cute annual Green Eggs and Ham party, and the decorations are just too cute. It’s a really adorable theme and I’ve liked all the things below.

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ready to make it Rain{ka}?

I'm an award-winning, expert attorney in Jacksonville, Florida. I represent professional women and their families who are injured or arrested in Florida. I love my job and am proud to have a career, but when I became a mother, I learned that working moms are uniquely tasked with having to achieve "balance." (whatever that is.) What I really wanted was freedom - freedom to practice law in a way that works for me and my family. Through the support and advice of other working moms, I have found success by developing a personal brand that allows me to create my own clients and practice law in a way that gives me freedom. Now it's my turn to help other lawyer moms learn how to do the same and make it Rain(ka).


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