New Year Ready

Every New Year’s Day, I sit down and write my goals. In the last decade, I’ve become better and better at doing this. I start by visualizing what I want. I don’t do vision boards, but maybe I have a secret Pinterest Board to hold the vision. I then reverse engineer the dream. For example – if I want to make $1m, I need to make $2,739 daily or about $20,000 weekly. I then take all the ways I make money and figure out what that translates to. So for me, that’s an average of 1-4 business transactions (getting paid on a case, depending on the type of case).  Then I look at my conversation rates for marketing. It’s about 50% because we don’t take a lot of cases we get calls about. So I need 2-8 calls weekly. From there, I look at my daily, weekly, and monthly habits and determine what actions I (or my team) need to take daily, weekly, monthly to get calls, to resolve cases et cetera.

Whatever your goal is, if you have measurables and data, you can do this. If you don’t have measurables – it’s not really a goal. If you don’t have data – you can fix that by tracking things for 90 days.

This is overwhelming information about there for you to do this no matter what the goal is. I’ve linked may favorite (audio) books and habit trackers below. Cheers to great success in 2023!

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ready to make it Rain{ka}?

I'm an award-winning, expert attorney in Jacksonville, Florida. I represent professional women and their families who are injured or arrested in Florida. I love my job and am proud to have a career, but when I became a mother, I learned that working moms are uniquely tasked with having to achieve "balance." (whatever that is.) What I really wanted was freedom - freedom to practice law in a way that works for me and my family. Through the support and advice of other working moms, I have found success by developing a personal brand that allows me to create my own clients and practice law in a way that gives me freedom. Now it's my turn to help other lawyer moms learn how to do the same and make it Rain(ka).


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